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Step into a world where artistry and self-discovery intertwine at the "SAN.TOOR show at La Terrasse des Jeux." Featuring the masterpiece "Composons notre Histoire" (Let's Compose Our Story), this performance will captivate you from the very first move, much like an entrancing game of chess with no way back. We invite you to join SAN.TOOR, a remarkable duo composed of Léa Deschaintres and Ilario Santoro, whose complementary styles and rich backgrounds blend harmoniously to forge a unique theatrical experience. As each movement unfolds, this show becomes an intimate journey through self-mastery and personal evolution.
Toutes les informations sur la pièce de théâtre SAN.TOOR show at La Terrasse des Jeux
Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville
Août 2024
théâtre épique
Auteur : Léa Deschaintres & Ilario Santoro
Adresse : Parvis De L’hôtel De Ville, 75004 Paris