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Dive into an immersive theater experience this summer with "Stages théâtre été 2024" by Compagnie Eclats Rémanence. We are offering four exclusive workshops spanning five days each (from 2 PM to 6:30 PM), starting from July 1st and extending until August 30th, 2024. Each workshop, guided by the notable Jean-Noël Dahan, will take place in a commodious rehearsal space just steps away from the iconic Place de l’Opéra in Paris. Limited to 10 participants per workshop, these sessions are designed to unleash your creative potential, regardless of your background or experience in theater. Whether you're a professional, an amateur, experienced, or a novice; whether you're young or old; whether you identify as male, female, human or even animal, your desire for theater is what counts. Explore various theatrical techniques from improvisation to script work, and tap into your unique instincts and creative whims. Jean-Noël Dahan will share his current obsessions—from authors to themes and play setups—bringing a personal touch to each session. It's a journey of collective creativity that's mysterious yet clear, challenging yet joyful, profound yet hilariously funny.
Toutes les informations sur la pièce de théâtre Stages théâtre été 2024 avec la compagnie Eclats Rémanence
Salles Saint-Roch
Juillet 2024 - Août 2024
théâtre de boulevard
Metteur en scène : Jean-Noël Dahan
Adresse : 35 Rue Saint-roch, 75001 Paris
Numéro de téléphone : +33677118002
Email : eclatsremanence@gmail.com
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