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Dive into a world where ordinary stones become a profound exploration of existence in the theatrical piece 'Théâtre dans le cadre de BRUIT - Festival théâtre et musique'. In the center of a hushed crowd, a man meticulously stacks stones, creating a spectacle from the mundane. As he places the final stone and steps back, all eyes remain fixed on the seemingly insignificant pile. This simple action ushers in a dense and unexpected silence, crafted by the man's keen observation and the movements that seem to escape him. What may initially appear trivial is, in fact, a rich soil for imagination, transforming an ordinary mineral heap into a space for reimagined perception. Under the thoughtful creation of Pierre Meunier, this play oscillates between seriousness and lightness, establishing a dialogue between man and matter, rejuvenating both the viewer's eyes and spirit. A unique theatrical fusion that offers laughter, introspection, and a fresh perspective on the everyday elements of life.
Toutes les informations sur la pièce de théâtre Théâtre dans le cadre de BRUIT - Festival théâtre et musique
Théâtre de l'Aquarium
théâtre de l'absurde
Auteur : Pierre Meunier
Metteur en scène : Pierre Meunier
Acteur : Pierre Meunier
Site web :
Adresse : La Cartoucherie - 2 Route Du Champ De Manœuvre, 75012 Paris
Numéro de téléphone : 01 43 74 99 61